
听神经瘤诊所团队 provides treatment of acoustic neuroma, 一种罕见的, benign tumor of the balance nerves in the internal auditory canal behind the ear drum, which can only be seen on radiology imaging with CT (computed tomography) or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans.


请不要犹豫 十大博彩推荐排名 at any stage of your treatment with us.

Acoustic neuroma is typically a very slow growing tumor. Acoustic neuromas grow approximately 1 to 2 millimeters a year. 的 most common symptom of acoustic neuroma is hearing loss on one side, but it may also cause symptoms of imbalance, 眩晕, 以及面部功能的问题. 的 cause of acoustic neuroma is unknown, but in some cases, there may be a genetic link. Treatment options for acoustic neuroma are observation, surgery, or radiation treatment.


Receiving a diagnosis of acoustic neuroma can be very alarming. 听神经瘤生长缓慢, 良性肿瘤, and it is quite possible that the tumor has been there for some time before it is discovered. 很少需要紧急治疗, so you will have time to think about how you would like to treat your acoustic neuroma.

Almost everyone has three choices for managing your acoustic neuroma:

  • Close observation (yearly magnetic resonance imaging (MRI))
  • 放射治疗
  • 手术

You might decide on a different path at a later date. Many patients at first choose to observe with a yearly MRI and later decide to have the tumor treated either because of tumor growth or a change in their hearing loss or other symptoms. In some cases we will recommend additional testing to give you more information on your options.

Let's look at those three basic approaches to managing an acoustic neuroma more closely:

  • 观察: On average, acoustic neuromas grow 1 to 2 millimeters per year. However, some tumors grow very slowly (or not at all). 肿瘤很少生长得更快. 因为这种缓慢的增长, observation with yearly MRI and hearing test is a reasonable choice for many patients.
  • 立体定向放射治疗: This treatment involves radiation beams from multiple sources that are directed at the tumor. This keeps radiation away from tissue that surrounds the acoustic neuroma. In most cases, radiation is given in one dose in a single day. Occasionally, radiation is given over multiple days (“fractionated radiation treatment”).
  • 手术: 的re are three surgical approaches to acoustic neuroma and all three approaches are performed at 十大博彩推荐排名希区柯克医疗中心. 我们将 consider multiple factors to carefully select a surgical approach best suited for your particular case. 我们将 帮助你做好准备 给你一个 完整的期望大纲. In general, we believe that the goal of surgery should be complete tumor removal.


肿瘤的大小和位置, 还有你的听力水平, will determine which surgical approaches will be recommended. 的 first factor to be considered is whether or not your current hearing can be saved.

的 size of the tumor and how much hearing you have already lost help us to tell you whether your hearing may be preserved with surgery. If you have good hearing, it is more likely that your hearing can be saved. If you have already lost a lot of your hearing, then it is less likely that hearing can be saved.

In most cases, surgery cannot restore hearing that is already lost. 的re are options to help with your hearing if you have already lost the hearing from the tumor or we are unable to preserve your hearing with surgery.


第一次预约时, you will meet with a doctor and a nurse practitioner of the acoustic neuroma treatment team. 我们将 review the history of your symptoms, 完成神经学检查, review your hearing test and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and discuss your diagnosis and treatment options. 我们将 refer you to other members of our treatment team as needed. At this visit and each visit afterward, you will be asked to complete a brief patient questionnaire.

What you need for your first appointment:

  • 一张你最近一次核磁共振扫描的光盘. You may also have this sent to us electronically.
  • Any prior hearing tests, including the most recent hearing test

If you have films or hearing tests sent to us, please 十大博彩推荐排名 to confirm they are received.


请浏览 听神经瘤协会 website to learn more about acoustic neuroma and to find support.